*thud* Yeah. I fell on the floor. Good golly! He's delicious. Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin. Gracious! Someone get me a towel.


  1. Oh... rick springfield? Is he still alive? I'm not sure I can handle this much flashback at once! ;)

  2. ha! He's not only still alive, but he's still making music and lookin' F-I-N-E.
    "Venus in Overdrive" is due out July 29. The song in the video is new. Nothing flashbacky about it. Meooowwwww.

  3. Rupe says "eeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww" .....

    ..... And asks forgiveness if Rupe has O-ffended .....

    Well, whattaya know ........................ Rupe

  4. Never mind the haters Miss Riss! I can't believe that RS (aka, "my boyfriend") will be 59 this year. Maddness. The man is 25 if he's a day. Thanks for the vid, I hadn't seen it yet.

  5. I just saw RS in concert 2 nights ago and all I can say is "INCREDIBLE!!!"


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