Happy Birthday Steve Spears!

Today, July 10, is the anniversary of the birth of Steve Spears. He's the creator of the fantastic podcast Stuck in the 80s. Not only is he the Lord-God-King-Guru of the podcast, but he has a phenomenal award winning blog. Hell to the yeah! Happy, happy birthday!

Like Cameron Frye in Ferris Bueller's Day off -- He didn't think he saw anything good that day -- Steve Spears doesn't think his birthday is noteworthy. He's just treating it as any other day. I'm sure his mother wouldn't see it that way. In fact, I hope she sends him a case of beets instead of a home baked cake for such goofy thinking.

Something that brings Steve great joy is seeing his blog counter shoot through the roof! Help set his blog on fire by visiting and commenting. While you're there, tell him Marissa sent you and wish him a Samantha Baker style birthday.

Steve Spears, you've given me a joy greater than Duran Duran, The Breakfast Club and Rick Springfield ever could. OK, maybe not Rick Springfield. Have you seen him? He's still so, so... ok, this is about what a sanity saving service Stuck in the 80s has delivered to your's truly.
With the greatest sincerity, I hope your birthday rocks you like a hurricane.


  1. Perused Stevie's blog and came across a retro-gem:

    The "Howard Jones - Herbie Hancock - Thomas Dolby - Stevie Wonder" video ... a blast from the past Rupe's never seen.

    Cripes! Thomas Dolby ... with a mane ... !!! WowZah!

    Rupe was/still is a huge-a-muhfied TD aficionado.

    I've Plurked a special video just you, MissRiss, of his on-the-spot morphation of "The Flat Earth". Don't know if'n you know it, but this song holds a special place for The Rupester .....

    Bestest ..................... Rupe

  2. Thanks Rupe! You're bombdilliumptious for thin'in about me.

    Steve Spears is ginormously fanful of Thomas Dolby. You oughta listen to the podcast interview with him.

  3. How do you go about getting someone's birthday declared a national holiday? Hmm, we need to get on this, just sayin'.

  4. Rosa, Steve is far too humble, but I'm not opposed to making certain he knows just how undeniably special he is ... he and his fanciful blog and podcast. I guess his low-key nature is just part of his charms.


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