It's a me thing

This little gem was posed by Jane on her blog, Confessions of a Middle-aged Suburban Diva:

"Describe something seemingly unimportant or ridiculous that makes you happy."
Hmm, where do I begin? It seems there are daily occurrences of such things. I'll give it a go!
I'm tickled pink over the way our kitty, Silver, flops on the floor, rolls and pops back up as if it was a choreographed gymnastics routine. On the same course, our more mature cat, Mo-mo, thinks it's her duty to act like a paper weight by sitting on the letters, cards and loose papers that reside on my desk. One never knows when a strong wind will carry them off. She's at the ready to protect my mail. Or, the manner in which she squeezes herself into small boxes and containers. Contentment never looked so unbearably uncomfortable.
As crazy as it sounds, I am amused and chuckle when my neighbor brings a pillow into the middle of the yard and takes a nap. There's no hammock or blanket. She just curls up where I presume is the softest area of the yard. The garden gnome has nothing on her for keeping predators at bay. Oy!
I'm ridiculously overjoyed when my co-worker, Scott, walks into the lab in a crazy legged manner. If I'm fortunate enough, he'll break into a dance that sends me into a snorting fit. His antics make me riotously gleeful even when I resist attempts (by others) to make me smile.
On I've made some interesting acquaintances. By that I mean there are intelligent, witty, insightful people who've befriended me. In a matter of 140 characters or less, those plurkers have me in stitches. Ruprecht, Danleone, Sprezzatura, Citizenjaney, Perpstu, Cajunvegan, MissAttitude, Yoonamaniac, tx_guy, CHiC, Lilacspecs, Mentrualpoetry, Greytfriend, Cablegirl, Andex, ClassTax, Edmcbride, JBligh, Quiltcetera, Reneguerrero, Seijikat, ... thanks. **like accepting an Oscar, I'm sure there are people I've not listed, but surely never truly forgotten. Your timelines prevent that from happening *snort*
Blurting those few words or lines of a song that I do know and realizing my co-worker Stephanie is singing the same part equally loud. "LEONARD BERNSTEIN!"
Yeah. Good times, kids. Most excellent.


  1. Quirky... it's quirky.. not interesting... I thought you like CT. Hmmm how come he's not on the list....

    Wait...going back to list to check.... nope... hmmmm

    ((hug)) I'm glad you are all right!

  2. Very nice! I'm so glad to be able to exchange amusements with you on a daily basis. Yeah plurk!

  3. *claps hands in delight* FABULOUS!

  4. I realize I forgot some pleeps. It's being edited as I review lol I typed on the fly!

  5. Ah, Cute Tushy goes without mentioning. I wanted to write about the unexpected or unknown things in my day to day life. :)

    and he doesn't read my blog...yet

  6. I am just getting in my feed reader from the weekend away, and I have to say that I was tickled to be included in your list.

    Plurking has made me laugh more than anything in the world lately. I am glad we have that connection now.


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