Tagline Tuesday

This is not a regular feature on my blog, but this called for alliteration. Maybe I'll carry it over into future weeks using random shots. This photo was taken at my class reunion this past weekend. I will be writing about that in greater detail later this week.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is tell me what YOU think is going on at the time the picture was snapped.


  1. One of your classmates has become an orthodontist and insisted on showing off

  2. ...and that's when she realized that what has been seen cannot be un-seen.

  3. methinks you ought to take a gander at www.beautifulagony.com
    I think I can see your tonsils....

  4. Looks like "aahhhaahhh don't take my picture!" to me!

  5. MissRiss yells:

    "Last one in the conga line has to clean up all the foam outside!"

    .......................... Rupe

  6. your used-to-be bff was showing up and you heard that her curls looked better than yours?!

  7. "De Camptown ladies sing dis song -- Doo-dah! doo-dah!..."

  8. You're saying "My God, I'm so hot !!"

  9. "Here are your meds, now did you swallow them this time? Show me."

  10. "Is my right adenoid inflamed? You sure it's not inflamed? Look closer. No, I can't open it any further. It looked inflamed to me. Kinda sore anyway. You sure it's not inflamed? Hmmm... Tonsil? Is my right tonsil inflamed?"

  11. obviously, you're being attacked by a snuggle-monster on your nether-regions.



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