David Cook's Analog Heart ripped from Amazon's chest

Per the norm, I'm a day late and a dollar short. This is something I noticed while visiting my favorite shopping site Amazon.com. I think it was Sunday when I was downloading music and I had to chuckle that American Idol 7 front-runner David Cook's digital album was outselling the shriekfest of Mariah Carey. Despite all the advertising for Carey's new E=MC2, AI's resident rocker (and now balladier) was outselling Carey. Funny. A heart kicked an ass. WOOT!

So, I have to plead for the reasons why this was done. I've been reading numerous blogs written by AI and David Cook devotees and I have yet to uncover the justification. Tons of speculation, but nothing clear cut. Brooke White and Carly Smithson have digital CDs for sale as of right now. Their tunes have not been pulled. They, of course, were not in the number one position on Amazon's MP3s. Conspiracy? American Idol producers chafed they weren't raking in on the deal? Mariah's people didn't like seeing their princess being beat by an American Idol contestant? Perhaps David was a gentleman and requested it be pulled so Ms. Carey wouldn't be embarrassed. Afterall, he kicked "Always Be My Baby" into another level with a new arrangement.

I like the style David is taking now in comparison to that of his 2006 SELF produced Analog Heart. It's not to say it was bad by any stretch. It's just more throaty and gritty. He's obviously worked on his vocals to expand his range.

C'mon! Somebody give me answers. I'm just a lowly blogger without much resource. The truth is out there. ::cue X-Files theme song::


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