American Idol 7 is nothing without an Aussie

It's done. It's over. I can't believe it. I'm in shock. My 'Roo. My darling Aussie with the bluesy, sensual charm is no longer on American Idol. I'm pissed. I'm miffed. I'm in need of CPR. I need tequila. I need something to help me grasp this totally insane result night. Idiot Kristy Lee Cook continues, but Michael Johns is cast off like Daughtry in season 5. America: You vote like you .. well, vote. I can't believe it. My Roo is gone.

On Idol nights I spend the evening snarking with friends from the blogosphere on Sean Daly's Pop Life blog. You can join in, too. It's quite refreshing and cathartic. Tonight, my pals all knew how this would devastate me. In response they offered support and sympathy. Most profoundly expressed was that of Jeff in Cuba. Here is his out-reach for my plight:

I'd like to interrupt the snark for my own "Idol Gives Back" message.
Hi, I'm Jeff in Cuba. Each year thousands of Midwestern single mothers are tragically denied the eye candy they need to keep the gossamer threads of their hormonal balance from snapping like twigs. But you can help. Your vote for hunky boy toys will not only help your single Mom neighbors, but will also help insure the world tequila supply for the rest of us. So vote for the hunk; the margarita you save may be your own.
So, with a heavy heart I bid adieu to my Roo. We won't be separated for long as I know you'll have a hit record in no time. I have my FILM downloads that are thick with your soulful sounds. I'll always have youtube and iTunes downloads of your performances to cleanse me of the dreadful noise put out by those you've left behind on the velvet blue couch. You're a star already, Michael Johns. So, while Kristy Lee Cook is blowing Simon out of his socks, you blew the crowd away with your farewell replay of "Dream On."


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