Afternoon Delight
On Sunday afternoon you couldn't find me at home. I was no where near my computer or television. I was sitting in a friend's living room listening to live music. I sat next to one of my oldest and dearest friends. Along with us was a double handful of women and men who appreciated the artist who was gracious enough to let us bask in her humbly fantastic sense of humor and songwriting. Her name? Martine Locke.
The best way I can describe her is an Aussie Indigo Girls minus one. Armed with nothing but her wit and two guitars she entertained us with 2 sets. One song in particular, "Fall From Grace," left me in tears. It was a moment that took me by surprise. I wasn't aware how emotionally taken I was until a lone tear found itself meandering down my left cheek. I didn't dare look around to see who else might have been drawn in by the powerful lyric and melody. Fortunately, I had a napkin sitting on my plate that had once been covered with veggies, cheese and a sinful chocolate dipped strawberry. The only song I was remotely familiar with was, "Hallelujah." She invited anyone who knew the song to join her. Friends from the back of the room added harmonies. For those moments a hush was over the rest of the world. A small gathering; a loving community. I didn't want to look for I knew my watery eyes would become an outpouring stream. I turned to my dearest friend sitting next to me and handed him my extra napkin. Clearly, the feelings were mutual throughout room. Sitting with friends and new faces radiated so much warmth and community. It was something I'll not soon forget. My heart swelled as the tears rose. Once the music ended, we all adjourned to the dining area to, once again, break bread and drink wine. We toasted to happiness and friendship. We laughed. I drank it all in with an effort to embed this moment in my mind. I hope you'll give Martine a listen with an open mind, heart and ears. Trust me, her music is worth it.
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