It Has Been Forever!
Holy cats, Batman! 🤯Has it really been 4 years since my last entry? Yes. It is long overdue...much like the Tropic of Cancer in that one Seinfeld episode. Is it ironic that my last post was about working at my local public library?
My gracious! So much has happened since that last post. For one, I no longer work for the library. I do, however, miss the camaraderie of the place and the level of family-like vibe. I worked several jobs and never found a fit. The library was the closest, but I still felt unsettled. Having worked in the same place for 21 years where I felt frustrated and underappreciated may be the reason I just refused to settle. I mean, if I am going to work until the day I die, I better make it a place that sparks joy. My current place of employment provides that and I have the greatest co-worker. That is correct. Singular.
I am co-owner of a resale and consignment shop. It sort of just happened. Working for myself is so different! I've always been employed where there's a hierarchy, HR department, taxes taken out each pay period, etc... I answer to myself and my business partner. Admittedly, paying taxes quarterly and on tax day takes some of the thrill away of being self-employed. Bye-bye refunds or breaking even with the gub-ment.
Absolute workplace freedom is just a concept. There's a lot more wiggle room when it comes to getting stuff done. No more tackling piddly crap to just look busy to 'earn my keep.' Some days we just decide to go easy on ourselves. Then, some days we work non-stop rearranging the shop to give it a new look.
We work at average of 6 days a week. That should explain why we take it easy some days. Most of the social media stuff is done by me, but my partner takes much better photos of the merch. It's a shared duty and our customers truly appreciate it. We've been in possession of the shops for two years. Yesterday, May 14, was our anniversary. The shop has been in existence for 12 years, I think.
I've been a thrifty resale shopper for years! There's something to be said for the thrill of the find. Big box stores and online shopping have their place. Owning a resale consignment shop can be thought of as a profitable contribution to saving the planet. A lot less stuff ends up in the landfills. There's still far too much waste, but I will save that soapbox for another post ... or just sit on my hands.
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