Friday gives way for celebrating

WOW! Today is amazing. Not only is the sun shining, but there's a light emitting from my very core.

I lost two pounds! What's kooky is that when I needed to get dressed I grabbed a pair of jeans that have been very snug and wearing them proved to be less than comfortable. Previously, there was no room for anything between me and my Faded Glorys. No room to breathe easily when sitting down, either. I'm certain the restricted blood flow wasn't conducive to leg circulation. Today those suckers fit loosely. Bending over didn't make me gasp for a breath. When I sat down the button didn't impale my navel nor was a kidney displaced when I had to squat down to pick something up off the floor. This is no doubt proof that treating my body like a treasured work of art is working.  This is such a major reward for my efforts to date. It makes me look forward to the next weeks and months ... the rest of my life.

Another bit of fantastic news is in regards to Mancub. Today was parent-teacher conference day.  He's excelling and carving out quite a terrific beginning toward success in high school.  He's adored by his teachers and attaining a comfortable level of socialization appropriate for his age.  This pleases me beyond comprehension of words.  His instructors shared that he's conscientious of his grades and performance. His proactive approach to handling issues including grades, inappropriate comments from peers, and diligence in finding a balance is apparent and appreciated.  Woo! My fears as an often times overprotective mother are being put to rest and he weaves patterns that will last a lifetime.

Tomorrow I begin a new regimen toward achieving greater health.  I received Beachbody Power 90> on Wednesday.  Last night I took the time to read the program guide and food plan. It was the most awesome thing to read Tony Horton's answers to frequently asked questions about the program --  90 days of progressive workouts. One particular question: "Why am I not losing weight right away?"  Tony's response validated everything I've suspected and experienced since starting with the Shakeology 3-day Cleanse. He says initial increase in activity and shift in diet causes the body to go into survival mode. Once the body gets through the freak-out phase it will start to respond accordingly. From my personal experience, due to being impatient and wanting results NOW! (screaming like Veruca Salt), I would give up and say to hell with clean living if it's not going to make me skinny at the speed of light.  Idiot thinking.  Now I am starting to understand, believe and embrace the philosophy. The scariest part of the 90 challenge is posting before photos of myself for all of you to see. I'm extremely self-conscious and vain. Letting you see what lies beneath the sweaters and protective cover of thick jeans is an enormous step.  I'm putting it all out there.
Mancub has agreed to be my accomplice.  He'll take the photographs of his jiggly butt mother as recommended in the Power 90> guide. Various angles will be shot.  Measurements will be taken. EEK! Barf bags will be provided.

Am I up to the challenge? No questions asked. I AM GOING TO OWN THIS!


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