Ghosts of Valentine's Day past

There was a time when I had excuses beyond excuses for why I hated Valentine's Day. I can't think of any right now. Perhaps I've finally managed to let the ghosts of the past move on to a higher plain of existence. Just maybe I've managed to exorcise them from my existence. Nothing good comes from holding on to bitterness.

In just a couple short days, Valentine's Day will come knocking. I'll be at work watching the scads of flower arrangements passing the window. I'll see the flurry of husbands and boyfriends making a mad dash to the jewelry stores, Victoria's Secrets, Fannie May, and Bath and Body Works. Carlton Cards will be a mad house as people attempt to find the perfect last minute card. I'm a sucker for those cards that plays the idiotic tunes when you open it. I'll laugh and make fun of the last minute shoppers. However, there's no doubt that I'll secretly long for a surprise delivery from an admirer. Now I'm laughing a tad over that concept. As if!

My Valentine's Day will be spent with the love of my life: Man-Cub. I'll spring for Chinese take-out and we'll go about our normal rituals. Of course, I'll give him a video game and designer chocolate bar ... and the obligatory stuffed animal. He's 13, but he privately loves the reminders of being my little boy. He does! I say so!!

I do believe too much importance is placed on obligatory Hallmark gift giving days. It's shameless. When I was married those days never phased me until the women with whom I worked bragged about the things they received. Then, I would want to slug my (ex) husband for listening to me when I'd say, "don't waste the money on flowers, candy or lingerie." I should note that these times were the only ones when he listened to me about not spending money.

I have matured and I'm far less envious of those people who are showered with unnecessary gifts. When a gift is given out of genuine love, not sense of obligation, I think it's great. There's no greater surprise when I'm given something out of blue simply because, "I saw this, and knew I had to give it to you."

Through knowing someone who is a nauseating braggart about materialistic gains, I realize what a hideous and unflattering personality trait it is. This is the person who quotes the prices of things when you inquire about the item. "Oh, that's nice. Where did you find that?" She'll go on about how much money was spent. This is a grown woman who counts the number of gifts that don her name under the Christmas tree. She is the epitome of bad behavior. Should I thank her for making me feel even better about myself? Nah, she's an insipid twit. I just grin. She has no clue.

To those of you who bask in the delightful nature of Valentine's Day, I applaud you and wish you well. I know that, traditionally, Valentine's Day is about Cupid zipping around and shooting people with his magical arrows of love. However ... you knew this was coming ... love is all around if you just let it in.


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