It Has Been Forever!

Holy cats, Batman! 🤯Has it really been 4 years since my last entry? Yes. It is long overdue...much like the Tropic of Cancer in that one Seinfeld episode. Is it ironic that my last post was about working at my local public library? My gracious! So much has happened since that last post. For one, I no longer work for the library. I do, however, miss the camaraderie of the place and the level of family-like vibe. I worked several jobs and never found a fit. The library was the closest, but I still felt unsettled. Having worked in the same place for 21 years where I felt frustrated and underappreciated may be the reason I just refused to settle. I mean, if I am going to work until the day I die, I better make it a place that sparks joy. My current place of employment provides that and I have the greatest co-worker. That is correct. Singular. I am co-owner of a resale and consignment shop. It sort of just happened. Working for myself is so different! I've always been employed...