Weather or not

No, that is not me misspelling a word in the title. It's a play on the phrase. Sheesh.

The weather has been less than agreeable given that it is late Spring. Today, it was a brisk 53 〫 at a local arts festival. Celebrate strawberries and jazz. At least it is referred to as the Strawberry Jazz Festival.

In rebellion against the weather as it was, I wore what would normally be appropriate for this time of year when the temperatures are usually in the upper 80s and sunshine would be baking my shoulders: A sundress and flip flops. My fingers and toes went numb, but damn it! I proved a point to Mother Nature while looking like a fool in comparison to those dressed for the cloudy, chilly weather. Bah. Who cares. I don't embrace fitting in anyway.

There were many art and food vendors. We went specifically for the live entertainment. I should mention this is the first outing the boy has made since graduating. Oy. Even with the cloud cover I hope we got a good dose of Vitamin D.

So, live entertainment. My niece is Go To Hell Kitty in the Acting Out Theatre Company's production of CHICAGO. The cast sang three songs from the show. It looks quite promising. It will be performed in late July on the streets of Momence, IL in front of Off the Vine.

A tad later, several participants of Kankakee Valley Theatre Association performed songs from productions over a 50 year span. They celebrate their 50th season this year. Wow! Pieces of paper were handed out to the audience to guess which shows the songs were from. There were eleven and I guessed them all correctly! As reward for my musical theatre dorkdom, I won a t-shirt. WOOT!

Yes, my desk is messy and that's my big toe

As you can see, I don't let the weather get me down or dictate my mood. Now, if the sun doesn't begin to shine more than it is hidden behind the clouds, I might become a tad bit less joyful in my natural disposition. It's a good policy to make the most of each day in a manner that makes you happy. Weather or not.


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