On the matter of Marriage Equality

This is the image that has gone viral. It is simple but speaks volumes.
 Surely you've seen this and understand what it stands for and why it has gone viral. Marriage Equality. Meaning, allow same sex couple the benefits of marriage that hetero couples have. Pretty simple, but people get their panties in a wad over the definition of marriage.
My sister and her wife on their 'wedding day'

You'd think it was simple but there's some confusion and apparently people feel threatened by allowing loving couples to take commitment one step further with a legally binding contract to share and share alike. Sure, I simplified it. In my opinion, the powers that be like to complicate things far too much.
This passage used frequently at weddings. It applies to marriage equality. I made this, by the way.
My 18 year old son and I have had several conversations about everything under the sun. Some of those talks are painfully embarrassing to him because I am his mom. A girl. However, if I don't open the door for honest dialogue, who else will?

When Mancub was a little guy he knew he had a great uncle who was gay. At his funeral Mancub learned that same uncle dressed in drag. There were many pictures of my uncle in his alter ego attire. Mancub shrugged. Smiled. Accepted it as easily as being told that the sky is blue.

Having gay people in his life wasn't something unusual. My dearest friend is gay. I took Mancub to a lesbian wedding shower. His aunt is gay and we celebrated her nuptials with all the pomp and circumstance of a regular wedding. The difference. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE was that the people saying their vows were both wearing wedding gowns.

So, as marriage equality made its way in the media it came time for Mancub and I to have a chat. I was curious about his opinion. Ya know, tap into the youthful mindset. My question was simple: What do you think about gay couples marrying, just as straight couples do, and being given the same benefits  including social security benefits, health care, right to be by their side in the hospital (when family only) etc... ? His answer,

"First of all, straight couples that I know can't seem to make marriage work. I mean, look at all the divorce just in our own family?... Maybe gay people can teach us something since they have to fight for the right to marry each other. And if two people love each other what is the big problem?... Aunt Maureen & Kris love each other and their kids love them. Justin and Frank are two of the coolest people I know and they love each other. You can see it. Tommy is the most loving person in your life so if he wants to marry the man he's lived with for years, why shouldn't he? Hasn't Amanda been with Heather for ... ever? That says a lot."
The above took place throughout our talk. My son is amazing. He does tend to see things very simply; logically. Not a lot of gray area in the mind of this kid with Asperger Syndrome. He sees things at face value and I believe we should all take a lesson from that mentality.


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