A Tale of Ms Baggy Britches

OK, it's no secret that I'm on a journey to get fit; get healthy; lose weight.  Jeepers! I talk about it ad nauseam. On March 27 I made a commitment to help rid the world of obesity.  Naturally that vow had to start at home. 

Yesterday was one day past laundry day.  That means I had run out of pants to wear to work.  EEK! With that mind, it meant having to wear that one pair of trousers that I dislike.  This particular pair was always just shy of being high-waters. Additionally, they sit just below the natural waistline which, unfortunately at my weight, caused the spectacular cascade of muffin toppery.  Yes, such a lovely look on a 44 year old woman.  In wintery sweater weather it wasn't so bad because bulky cable knits or a jacket covered up the embarrassing feature. Alas, I couldn't call in sick from work or wear jeans because everything else was dirty.  At least I had clean underpants. 

First I was able to pull the pants up without unzipping or unbuttoning.  Then, I noticed the closet tailors had lengthened the legs because the hem was touching the floor.  The crotch seemed a tad low, too.  What the ...? 
Walking and keeping my pants up was a trick.  It's a good thing I wear a lab coat.  Additionally, the white shirt you see in the photo is more proof that eating well and working out 6 days a week rocks!  That sucker looked painted on and couldn't be zipped (yes, it's zipper closure, tailored shirt). As you can see there's room for movement.  The sleeves were once so constrictive that I feared ripping out of it like the Bruce Banner transforming into The Hulk.

The reason I continue to write about my weight loss efforts is to stress the fact that I'm not popping pills or doing anything extraordinary.  It's elementary, my dears.  My diet has done a 180°.  I'm no longer sedentary.  Working out SIX DAYS A WEEK is a huge challenge, but one that I rise above.  Once I hit my stride during a work out, it's smooth sailing.  If I'm dripping with sweat and feeling like there's no end in sight, I kick it up a notch and push myself.  Lost in the moment, I revel in the sense euphoria exercising induces.

Beachbody is due to release the program TURBO FIRE this month.  It's all the buzz around the water cooler and I, amongst thousands of others will be waiting in line to get my copy.  The power of that program will surely push me to where I strive to be.  NINE TIMES the calorie and fat burning of conventional aerobic exercise programs.  WOO! I just raised the bar on my personal fitness goal.  I can't wait to show you the results of that regimen.  Heck, maybe I'll be ready for my bikini pics. 


  1. Soo happy for you Riss!

    Doesn't that post-workout euphoria feel fine, fine supa-fine?

  2. Thanks! Yepper it does. On so many days I just don't want to work out but I do. Then, all the feel-good chemicals and hormones get released and I feel like I could run a marathon ... I can't (yet)but it surely powers me to push harder.


    Truly a `FERRIS DAY` if there ever was one.... with the parade, followed by The Crosstown at Wrigley!!!... I am SOOO EXCITED !!!!

    Proud to be a Chicagoan!


  4. Very impressive. You'll be back to that Brooke Shield's look in no time. Great work!


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