With great power ... and all that jazz

  • Life is good, love is grand and the world is a wonderful place to be. One of you has finally gotten up the courage to mention exactly how you feel and the other has responded with an enthusiastic 'me too!' There's no catch, either. For the next few days, if not weeks, you'll be right on top of the world -- and when you're happy, everybody's happy! Be sure to spread the good feelings around. It's only fair.

That's my horriblescope for today. The 'you' portion is crystal clear, but is the 'other'? Do ya? Do ya love me, huh? Stopping reading these things would be most advisable, no doubt.  One thing speaks volumes in all the babbling from the heavens: "When you're happy, everybody's happy!"  Truer words never spoken. Just ask my coworkers and they'll confirm this.

The concept of me sharing these good feelings by way of spreading them around has me concerned. If I'm feeling good and happy then, by association, everybody else in the vicinity is happy. Therefore, my work here is done and no additional work is required, correct? 

Being off today and tomorrow will surely ring in some joy and happiness.  The boy and I might see Avatar.  I read a report that some people experienced malaise once the movie ended and they returned to their day to day agendas.  But with me having power to spread good vibes wherever I go, surely that won't happen -- right? It's written in the stars, damn it. This is a heavy task -- making the world a happier and brighter place. Maybe that's my super power. *snort*


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