Merry Angstmas

I'm feeling anxious and full of angst.  My pulse is racing but not in an excited, joyful manner.  I'm pretty sure it's not a rush of caffeine. I had less than usual. Maybe it's just residual spazattack from yesterday's onslaught of visually impaired people requiring new spectacles two days before Christmas. Perhaps it's concern over the weather (ice storm and flooding) potentially preventing Mancub and I traveling on Christmas day.  Possibly -- most likely -- it's caused from not being able to afford gifts for my family members.  Normally I would overextend my checking account just to save the embarrassment of admitting I don't have money to make purchases for anyone other than my son.  With the cutbacks at work, that was hardly manageable and I thank God for the angels in my life.

This year I baked.  As I said in an earlier post celebrating our cookie creations, I've never made sugar cookies from scratch.  We baked a fresh batch and colorfully decorated them.  Today will be my inaugural attempt at making fudge.   More shortbread cookies with the dot of chocolate in the center will also be prepared.  But the question remains: Will my family consider these baked goods acceptable gifts? They are, after all, a labor of love. Mancub and I have enjoyed this domestic time together.

I've pulled out scraps of festive fabric and wire trimmed ribbon so the treats can represent the spirit of the season.  I also discovered that I have ornaments that I bought post Christmas with the intention of giving them as gifts.  Like many things, they slipped into the abyss known as my closet. I had no idea all the clearance items I picked up at Michael's, Kohl's, The Dollar Tree and Carlton Cards. Booyah! It's a regular smorgasbord of whatsits and doo-ma-jigs.

If you need me I'll be in my living room watching a marathon of "White Christmas" and putting together tins and bags chock-full  of treats ... and lots and lots of love.


  1. I think baking for the family is a way better gift than buying some "affordable", less than awesome trinket for a family member! Seriously, how many gifts have you received where you had to convince yourself that it is "The thought that Counts", because you either have no idea what to do with said gift, or you are thinking WTF, does this person even know me? Yup, I thinking baking is an ablsolutely brilliant idea... Merry Christmas to you sister-friend!

  2. Amanda, thank you! I feel perfectly validated now. I'm rather proud of my baking this season. :)


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