Unconditional and infinite

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be." -- Douglas Adams

That quote was on my Facebook page today. I have a feed from the "quote of the day" website. On this Thanksgiving it seemed perfectly suited for me ... for anyone, really.  Think back to your teen years, twenty-something, thirty-something, etc... are you exactly where you dreamed you'd be? I'm most certainly not, but there's no question that we can't predict the future nor can we count on tomorrow.  Am I disappointed that my aspirations of being a doctor of psychology didn't pan out? Sure. Am I aggravated that I'm still not with the father of my son? Sort of. There's no going back -- only looking forward and dealing with the here and now.

Today brought a painful reminder of something I said only moments ago: Tomorrow is never guaranteed. I visited the cemetery again.  The purpose was to fulfill a promise made to a very dear friend.  ∞♥ There was no sense of obligation.  I've found going there quite calming.  I guess when it comes to those we love their departure from our lives is always too soon, but when they are taken from us in their youth or prime of their lives, it's even more devastating.  The indelible mark left on the living of the passing of a loved one ... a vivacious woman with two sons and a devoted husband. Or a lively, six year old boy who was the living embodiment of joy.  A mother in mid-life or  mothers with many years and children in her photo album ... gone but never forgotten.

Today I celebrate all the joy and happiness bestowed upon me.  When I consider all that I have to be grateful for I long a bit less for the things I wish for and find contentment that I'm where I'm supposed to be  ... for now.


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