Sugar and Spice hot-cha-cha

"People will be projecting their own issues onto you, today -- so don't listen to those who are pointing out your faults. They're either jealous of you or worried that they themselves are failing. It seems like everyone has issues right now, and their insecurities could start to get on your nerves. Before you lose your temper and tell them off, it's best to go off by yourself and be alone. You can't get caught up in feeding the egos of other people."
This particular horriblescope can apply to nearly any day of my work week. However, I don't believe it is jealousy that triggers behaviors from others that raise my blood pressure. I confidently ascertain that some people are just assholes. And while I spend much of my day placating the childishness of some, I tire of it. My attempts to remain professional are tested. Unleashing the honesty beast gives me satisfaction and stops the whining in its tracks.

Mancub hit his freshman year with strong strides, but when Labor Day rolled around and the enrollment increased, his grades started slipping. Apparently a lot of parents pay no attention to the start date or they move here from the Chicago area where school starts after Labor Day. Regardless of the reason, additional students in already crowded classrooms has also increased discipline issues and distractions.

A couple of his teachers will not accept work late. Bellwork assignments have to be handed in at the end of the class. If he'd not completed the work he wasn't handing it in and, in turn, would receive a big, fat ZERO. He's learned a valuable lesson. We've also come to recognize that his test taking skills need some tweaking. He'll do well in all the course work, but fizzle out during tests. Parent-teacher conferences are at the end of this month. I hope we'll devise a means of getting my son's grades on sturdier ground. I don't want him to be one of those kids who just gets by. I was one of those students. And while I appear to have managed in adulthood, I still suffer from inferiority and failure complexes.
October Breast Cancer Awareness is off to a bodacious start! Many of my gal pals are contributing their beautiful bounty of boobalas to the Boobie-thon fund raiser. Even a couple of the men have submitted their pecs for the cause. There is a rising number of male breast cancer. Like I've said before, cancer doesn't discriminate.

On my previous post about my personal contributions to Boobie-thon, a comment was left asking me for clues to finding Thelma and Louise on the site. I thought I had sneaked in a couple clues already: Glitter powder, one hands on pic followed by sexy brassier shots (my cups seriously runneth over). However, because I am feeling generous today, I will give another clue. It's a visual clue. Are you ready? Click this link.

Now, even if you don't find my girls there, donating generously will give you an eyeful of courageous babes taking it off for a worthy cause.



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