For Sale!

Today begins a weekend long community garage sale in Manteno, Il. I'm helping my sister today. I've packed up some goodies to toss into the mix. Most of it has belonged to Mancub. Being a man who is always looking for a means of buying more Yu-Gi-Oh! cards, he inquired if he'll reap the benefits of selling his items. Being the sucker that I am, I said yes.

The weather doesn't seem to be cooperating to guarantee a great turn out. Then again, I know there are some die hard bargain hunters out there who, much like the U.S Postal Service, will not let a little bad weather deter them from their appointed rounds.

Helping my sister out also helps me. I am saved from making a trip to the laundromat! Along with the crap gathered to sell, I'll be loading the car with my dirty laundry.

Happy Friday! And if you're a local come buy some amazing sh-- ... great stuff! Make it an adventure! Like a Where is Waldo book. If you can find me I'll give you a prize. I'm wearing a pink turtleneck and a white Disney baseball cap.


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