A hairy ordeal

I make no secret that I color my hair. It all started back in '83 when I used a temporary dye to make my already dark brown hair jet black. Why would I do that, you ask? Because when it comes to my love of the theater, I will make sacrifices. Our theater arts program put on "Flower Drum Song" as our Spring Musical. I was cast as seamstress Helen Chow. How odd that I play the role of a woman who was the object of unrequited love. For the record, I had a moment on the stage where I stood alone singing about how love needed to leave me be. "Love Look Away" also served as the song I would later sing in the Miss Kankakee Pageant.

But I digress, as usual. This is not about my lonely hearts club or retro rewind to days of glory in high school. This is all about my 'do. The lioness's mane. My crowning glory; my hair.

After looking at all the photos from the Rick Springfield concert, I am questioning my current choice of hair color. While I enjoy pretending to be a fiery red head, I am unsure if it is the most ideal hue.

My hair styles have varied from super short to ultra long. I've gone from golden light brown to nearly black. But what best suits me at the age of 44?

Red is the most difficult color to maintain. It fades quickly. If it's too intense it casts a purple haze in the sunlight. I don't want to achieve a "not found in nature" density.

With fall quickly approaching, I think a warmer tone is in order. Here are photos of varied shades and colors. Going with my current natural hair is not an option. Gray is not becoming on me. The last photo is most recent.

The downside of where I live is hard water. By the time my gray roots begin to show, my hair becomes brassy. Maybe I'll just shave my head and start from scratch. Let nature have its way with my noggin. No, I can't do that. My skull has a dent in it from when I got clobbered at an early age by the merry-go-round at a park. I fell off the thing and lifted my head. BAM!

... yes, that does explain a lot!

Now, feel free to express your thoughts on my hair color. And, if you're so inclined, take a moment to vote on the blog on the right.

Dark Brown

Fiery Red

Light Brownish Red

Golden Brownish Blond


  1. I vote for the light brownish red :)

  2. Dark brown looks great on you! You resemble Kate Beckinsale.

  3. Couldn't really decide between dark brown and fiery red, but went with fiery red cause I like that color. But you look positively sultry with dark brown.

  4. FTR, I like your current color.

    I love love love fiery reds. I chose that in the poll. My second choice is chestnut brown. Beautiful.

  5. . . . I just wrote a children's story called Wild Hair and Google brought me here. #1 one entry, (how do you do that, does your brother work at Google-h ha)

    I like your site. You are very pretty. I wish I had the nerve to change my hair color. Maybe when I turn 25, and I get a backbone.
    I thought I was the only girl looking for the perfect fitting bra.


  6. I think the red hair goes well with your spectacular boobs....just ask Christina Hendricks !!

  7. Amber! I never knew my blog popped up first. cool!I'm movin' on up. I used to have to go to page 3 or 4 to find my blog. Go me!
    I'm curious about your book, now. Direct me! I'd love to check it out.
    If you have lovely hair I wouldn't ever suggest coloring it. I went many years not coloring it. THen, the grays had the audacity to become devilishly prominent. Ewwww. lol Thank you so much for commenting even though it was accidental encounter.

    Me Likee: spectacular AND real :) Now I have to Google christina Hendricks.

  8. The platinum blonde may have no room to speak, but the bottom two photos wash our your beautiful face. I'm not sure if I'm smitten with the dark brown because it's such a stunning photo, or if I should say red because it suits your personality... but I'm glad you're having fun with colour and trying on new looks. August isn't too late for spring cleaning or remodeling.

    Have I mentioned that I miss you?

  9. I would love to go fiery red. I did kind of when I was 14. I have just gone back to brown afrer years of blonde. With a new baby I just can't dedicate the time to being blonde! I do miss it thoygh!

  10. Okay...for the record, I have to point out that you were FIRST RUNNER-UP IN THE PAGEANT!! And I LOVED that dress you wore! I wonder who made it??? LOL!! Based on the photos, I have to say that the dark brown is the most flattering to your skin tones. It also makes your green eyes more intense, doncha think?? Love ya!

  11. You do not know me at all but we should know each other because hair is primary on my list of issues as I am curly, 44, and vaguely obsessed - although maybe not as much on my blog - and also this whole voting/poll thing is excellent. It's a bit hard to tell because of the light, but I think the light brownish red is superb on you. You also happen to be gorgeous so if you feel the need to try any color you oughtta just try. With that face you could do a Cruella DeVille Do and folks would be all "that's an interesting interpretation." Anyhoo, with your skin tone, those colors work very well. Gimme a few days, and I'll list you on my blog that no one reads.

  12. Lucy! welcome and thank you muchly for your comment and input. Duly noted. I'm blushing. I'll gladly add you to my blog roll.

    Ooooh the turquoise pageant gown! Do you have pics of that? That was truly exquisite. The fact that my favorite person in the world hand made the dress that won 'evening gown' --Plus, reusing the pink prom dress for talent! Both dresses beautifully made with love.


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