Sisters are blogging it for themselves!

Blogging. Web logs. Virtual journals that have managed to bring the world together in some capacity .. for better or worse. This post is about the better.
If you look to the right under the "Blog me? Blog You!" column, you'll see a large list of blogs. Those are blogs that I read. The authors each possess a unique quality that gives me food for thought. Whether it be providing me with the laugh of the day or cause to shed a tear, they are fantastic reads!
Today is all about the ladies.
To say that I was giddy when Popping Bubbles graciously put my blog on her list is an understatement. There are so many phenomenal bloggers out there and I'm humbled to be in their company. Her blog takes the reader from awe-ing over her affection for and collection of shoes to laughing hysterically over the toils of the workplace.

Without further ado, I give you TEN blog sisters who can turn the world on with a smile. They can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worth while. Well, it's you girl! And you should know it!!

Hidden Mahala : She craps me up every time I log on to her blog. This city girl stuck in the "holler" gives you a perspective that is something to behold. Click the link. Thank me later.

Sherries's Bloggity Blog: I met Sherrie through the Stuck in the 80s blog. Her blog is new, but worthy of your love and affection. She's whip smart and terrifically witty.

Not A Mean Girl: Tessa bares all on her blog. I applaud her courage as she wears her heart on her sleeve.

Yoonamania: Newly citizenized Yoon discusses her deep love and affection for her animals and life in general. Again, another smarty pants who displays a perspective on things that has to be read to fully appreciate. Go!

Citizen Janey: Jane encompasses all things fab-u-lous! She's a groovy mom with a penchant for cooking and a love of drummers. In her next life, call her Mrs. Copeland.

Miss Attitude: This girl is 10 kinds of wonderful. I swear sometimes she's my sister from another mister. Love.Her!

Cajunvegan: Pardon me, but she's fucking fabulous and isn't afraid to strut that moniker. From the tales of Monkey Boy to the touching insight of a principal, I love reading her point of view. I laugh, I cry.

Claudia: Without her unconscious mutterings, a Sunday staple, my week couldn't begin. She's simply an amazing woman. DENVER CEREAL! She's published. Get your copy!

Angie Bailey: Angie, the wife of a former high school choir mate, has the quirkiest blog. It's clear she knows how to laugh a lot, and makes those around her giggly. It's not just about the cats, but they are most certainly part of the blog-fold.

TopSurf: This woman is probably one of the most genuinely kind people you'll ever encounter. If you read her blog you'll quickly realize why I think she's always on my 'must read' list.

Although her blog is set to private and password protected, I cannot end this post without mentioning Lydia Valentine. I admire her greatly. She's become a friend in the last year or so we've read each other's blogs. I love how her life unfolds with every word put before me. Each of her posts is titled after an 80s tune. It's way cool! I can't wait until I manage the funds to get out to Cali to meet her face to face. I'm sure my squeeeeee will be heard around the world ... and she'll shake her head in disbelief of my school girl greeting.

Now, don't forget to check out Popping Bubbles . Without her, I wouldn't be passing this award on to my 10 gals!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:

If you want to pass the Sisterhood award along to your own favorite lady bloggers, the rules of this award are simple:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.


  1. Hi~ya Riss,

    Steve Persall is welcoming us by name to comment on his LIVE Oscar blog tonite. His wife Princess Di will be there too. I only saw 3 of the movies, so the most I can do is comment on the Carpet fashions & snubs... & stuff like that. Doug Arthur might be there too if he doesn't have to work too hard.

    Little by little, when I get the extra time... I've been checking out all the blogs you have listed to the right. You hang with a bunch of TOTALLY FABOO AMAZING writers!!! Each & every one of you should have your own magazine... & I'd subscribe to them all! (I could never have a blog, as I'm too busy reading all of yours.)

  2. Thanks for the shout-out for my blog, sister! I'll do this next week ;) I am a fan of your blog as well - it never ceases to entertain me. I will check out the other blogs you listed as well.

  3. Thanks a TON for including me in your list Riss, I appreciate it! I think a touch of dyslexia struck on the link to my blog though, the correct address is

  4. Hmm whatever the issue was, I think I fixed it. Sorry about that, Sherrie.
    Where's that head smacking emoticon when I need it?

  5. Aww. Thank you for adding The Paranoid to your Spinal Tap "Goes to 11" list. I fear being found and "biting the hand that feeds me" regarding work... and I fear being found and infuriating someone romantically... and really, what else is there to write about?
    I look forward to the "squeee". I'm not scared whatsoever.

  6. wow! Thanks for the props! What a nice surprise. Thank you very much. xoxoxxo


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