Silent Saturday

My oldest and dearest friend Tommy linked me to this. It made me ponder how often I've made a contact, but never followed up on it. The reasons vary, but most likely it is due to fear of rejection or, woefully, I've misinterpreted the intention. So, I just let it go and claim that fate had other plans. But what if failure and fear weren't factors? What would you do? I want to throw caution to the wind and let my sails take me to new horizons ... what say you??

A Thousand Words from Ted Chung on Vimeo.


  1. Wow. What an awesome video. Absolutely amazing. It does make you think about what would change if you just leapt!

  2. I LOVED that video - I was completely mesmerized. I love thinking about the ways we can change our destiny by making choices like he did. I'm going to post this as well.

  3. I wanted to tell a Wang Chung joke, but with a short film as beautiful as that, it just ain't funny! Very clever, very touching film. Thanks, Riss.


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