She's got legs

There are times I cater my blog subject to a photograph I find absolutely kick-ass. This is one of those times. I've not been secretive about my love of black and white photography. In my previous post about breasts I declare that I don't have jaw dropping gams. I used to joke that I my legs were perfect as long as they were in the air. Yes, it sounds quite scintillating to make such a claim. It actually stems from an observation I made during an aerobics class. We were instructed to be on our backs, legs up. From that position we had to raise our torso, twist at the waist and meet our elbow to the bent knee of the opposing leg. This photo made me remember that incident. Naturally, I wasn't wearing latex with stilettos.
As I make my way toward my goal weight, I realize my legs are looking better. Power walking is trimming and shaping my calves. My thunderous thighs are thinner. I know because my pants drape from my fanny rather than hugging my speed skater thighs. I'm thrilled about my progress. It's not fast and furious, but I know my efforts aren't wasted.


  1. Yay! Yay! Go Marissa Go!

    I envy your dedication. The past 6 months have been so icky that I sit on and watch my derriere get bigger and then get mad at myself for doing so. Hopefully now that the weather is better (yes, it can be cold and shitty here) I can work towards a similar goal.
    This is one of the hardest things you might ever do... and you're doing it.
    I'm so happy for you.

  2. Thanks! It is hard to lose weight. I am not discounting how difficult it is for addicts to give up drugs and/or alcohol, but you can't go cold turkey with food. mmmmm turkey. Anyway, I appreciate the big hoorahs and encouragement.


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