American Idol 7 -- Michael Johns and David Cook. That is all.

I know, I know. I have to eat my own words regarding people singing Freddie Mercury on American Idol. EVER. This time someone got it right. Michael Johns did a really good job with "We Are The Champions/We Will Rock You." Considering what he had to work with -- the back-up singers were off key and not as impressive as usual. FINALLY Roo brought out his cojones and showed them to us ... in a manner of speaking.
The other most notable and worth watching performance came from David Cook. He did a cover of a cover. In other words, he rocked Chris Cornell's version of Michael Jackson's "Billy Jean" I can't get over how well it went. He might have a little smugness working against him, but when you can perform like he does, smug-it-up, buddy!
As for the other eight performances? Meh. I don't care, really. When the performances get you down, the best place to be is in snarkyland aka Sean Daly's blog. That's where I go when I need friends who think like I do. Quite often, their remarks are far more entertaining than those singing.


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