I like those curves...2008

Yes, the new year is closing in on me. According to Central Standard Time, it is 11:18 pm when I started this post. I can't really complain about 2007. It wasn't a bad year. It wasn't a stand up and cheer about it year, either. However, it was a year of growing emotionally. I suppose that could be considered stellar. I know a lot of people who haven't grown in that capacity for decades. At least they haven't overtly changed. However, that is not for me to judge or be concerned. I am declaring 2008 the Year of the Riss yes, you read it clearly. I'm not going to abandon friends, family or my dedication to being a selfless person. It does mean that I'm finally going to shift some focus on self-improvement. I'm going to give myself permission to have fun and live a little (again). I hope everybody can find it in themselves to be less selfish to NUMERO UNO! I know 'they' say everybody is too selfish as it is. I am not implying that you spend every pe...