I have a dream ...
Hi there. I have no idea what to make of anything in my personal life. I keep praying I'll maintain patience. And when patience doesn't pay off with dividends I find palatable, I pray I'll have keen understanding and solace. I'm still back at square one with Alton. Actually, I don't even think we're on square one. If this was a board game we'd probably be sitting on the "do not pass" square while awaiting the spinner to land on "1" -- at least I'm waiting for a move that is minuscule, but will be wildly significant. We still talk. As of late, it's been my doing. I've made the call. On Saturday I chucked caution and called the cell phone that he got because of my influence. Directly to voice mail. UGH! I left a babbling message fitting for my reputation. "Marissa Randomosity" as he's coined it. The very randomosity he finds/found endearing and charming. Once I hung up, I gave myself permission to call him at work...